Forgot to close all this out with a final weigh-in, so...
Weight: 170.2 pounds
Weight on Last Weigh-In [March 5th, 2009]: 178.4 pounds
Loss Of: 8.2 pounds
Total Loss Since November, 2005: 330.8 pounds
And last...
to all those that write me:
It can be done -by you- if you allow it to be. I am proof that it can be done. It's easy [that's why it's so hard & difficult]. But, if you want it, it can be done.
Maybe in the end, that's the message:
Beyond proof that it can be done, do [did] you want to honestly know [about] how to do it?
Peace & Blessings...
Keep Ridin'... Always
And that's really The End!
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