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April 21, 2008


Hey Scott, You said "real bleeding never stops". Either does real loving, and your love for Chloe and Amy is living proof. All started by your mom.

I feel the same way about my Grandmother who passed about 4 years ago, So I put a tribute page to her at www.bignose.ca/agnes that i flip to when ever i feel like it.

I enjoy reading your blog, keep up the good work.

Scott, I just finshed reading your amazing story in the Rivendell Rider 40, to say I am, awed, impressed, inspired, well I don't even think that's adequate.
never stop riding, peace!

Mom's rule, my friend. Ask me about Mary Pat sometime. She was/is an absolute saint. r.i.p. Keep up the great work, friend.

Jews light a candle each year on the yahrtzeit (anniversary) of a loved one's death. Not their birth, but their death. Because the candle isn't for them so much as it's for us. Each candle lit, each year farther removed from that day, is a new measure of how far we've come since then -- and yet, with that person somehow inside us.

Our parents come to inhabit us in ways we could never imagine. (My mother's eyes and my father's smile greet me every morning in the mirror, something I take immense comfort in.)

May your mother's memory continue to be a blessing.

Thanks again for your comment on my blog about my dad dying. That meant a lot to me coming from you... though we've never met, I have the utmost respect for you and I hope to meet you and your family someday, maybe go for a ride too.

As I was reading this entry and upon hearing you mention how you couldn't remember how you're mom's voice sounded, I was wondering if you'd read Fatty's (fatcyclist.com) blog entry about how he and Susan have been recording themselves talking about their life together for their kids. Their story is as miraculous as yours, in a totally different way. If you can, you might consider doing the same thing for Chloe. I'm planning on doing that with my wife so my son can always hear our voices.

Ahhhhhh... now I'm crying. Yer right... the bleeding never stops.

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