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January 02, 2007


You lost 161 pounds so far?


Awesome job-what's you goal weight?

Wow, you're doing great!

Those are some damn impressive stats, keep the computer and continue to feed the inner nerd.

Damn proud of you, brother. Believe it or not, I was even when you were outfitted by Omar the tent maker, but for different reasons. I like these reasons better. But I love you the same.

What business?

What impressive numbers. It must give you confidence to know you can exert will-power to achieve such big changes in your life. I know you're enjoying the biking from you blog. Keep it up!

Those numbers totally kick ass. They're sign posts on one hell of a journey. Thanks for keeping all of us posted and inspired.

Stunning statistics in terms of your improvement in fitness in a relatively short space of time. I'm inspired to get my ass of the couch and onto a saddle! Thanks!

Man, you rule. It is incredible to see how strong we can really be when we want to be. I hope all the best to you in 007. Keep the cyclocomputer because it does help in keeping track of stuff. Spend all the money you would have spent on diets and weighwatchers on all the bike bling you want. Post some pictures of your bike with the new hubs and such. These blogs are a great way to keep in touch with people that you don;t know and know and I personally find your story very fascinating.
All the best to you and your family
from Chicago.

Thanks Gents [and Non-Gents, if they are any of those reading too]...

I'm trying my best to keep my groove on.


Kick ass dude. Seriously.
What's the deal with diet soda though? No calories, no foul?
Or am I an ignoramus?


Lots of "Foul" actually...


Sodium, Brain Cancer, various Cancers, No Nutrition at all, etc...

Water is the way to go.

Peace & Blessings-


Well I'll be damned. I drink gallons of the stuff.

You lose another 8 pounds, and *I'll* be the large fella on a bike. Guess I better cut out the diet sodas.

Congratulations 338 of 501 from 186 of 230 (after 7 of 9 but a lot less appealing in lycra. I AM speaking for myself ;-) ).

Until I read about your year I thought my loss of 44 lbs in '06, cycling daily and changing diet was good but your sledding was definitely tough.

(Sure someone has to live in the SF Bay Area and cycle in the sunshine in January on Shoreline where the mosses make it look like the purple heather deserts in the west of Ireland on a summer's day. But I digress).

So many salads sounds very hard, but don't mess with success perhaps. To others can I recommend the McDougall diet - vegetables plus starches - rice, baked spuds. You never feel hungry. The weight still falls off. "Eat more, get your money's worth" says McDougall, at the start. See www.mcdougall.com.

Congratulations again. Being within shouting distance of one's ideal weight is going to feel very very good. Ask me how I know ;-).

Dude, you SO rock...I'm thinking of you whenever I think of wimping out on riding to work, and it's kept me in the saddle and out of my car 5 days a week. BP is down, weight is down, feeling-good is up!

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