Example #1:
Riding through a park that yuppies use as their own personal playground for their substitute children, dogs. A variation of this seems to occur weekly for me on rides... today's was-
approaching a woman, she's holding a rubber ball, and beside her, a stroller w/baby. To her left, a Jack Russell terrier that she's been throwing aforementioned rubber ball back and forth at. She's taking up over half of the path through this area, the small part left available to passersby is between her and the dog. I approach at 15mph, slow to 10... I am 20 feet away and she's staring at me while still holding the ball, the dog is on the other side of the path going nuts waiting for her to throw it again. I am now going around 6 or 7mph, Chloe is attached via her Piccolo. Sure as shit, as I am nearly in between her and her dog, and she still hasn't thrown the ball nor moved over one inch, the dog tears across the path in front of Chloe and me.
Slam the brakes, foot down and still my front wheel is about to go right over the neck of the dog so I lift my front wheel off the ground, all the while jamming everything so hard that it felt [and still does feel] like I stoved my right wrist all the way up to my shoulder.
The woman says "Sorry". But you know, seeing this typed out, it doesn't read right... it was more like a completely flat affect, vanilla, couldn't-be-less-interested or bothered "Sorry". I shake my head and tell her, "Close call... your dog was almost in two pieces, you should be more careful. This is a Mixed-Path and additionally, the dog isn't on a leash... it's illegal." She just has this completely dumbass, clueless look. I continue on.
Example #2:
20 minutes later we are entering Liberty State Park [for you Out-Of-Towners, it's where Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty are located]. One of the ferries that takes all the polyester-clad, McDonald's-toting tourists out to both locations is loading off it's occupants. Like a good 10 minute stream of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, Greyhound-riding tourists. I figure, "Ok, I already had the dog yuppie incident, I ain't tempting fate", so I stop and ride in circles with Chloe for 10 minutes until they have walked down the gangplank and across the path, before we will continue on. They disperse and we carry on, 100 feet ahead I can see a rather huge woman in a pink sweatsuit screaming at one of her two kids.
She's so busy threatening this poor kid out of his load of fried death that she, of course, cannot be bothered to look anywhere but at him. She's walking one way during all this, I ride waaaaay to the left of her, last second, yep...
she starts waddling right into my front wheel. Her other kid, the one not getting screamed at and also much thinner, shouts, "MOM!!!!!!!! WATCH IT!!". She lets out this little huffy scream and moves away. As we ride away, me silent but shaking my head back and forth, I hear her say loudly, "Assholes on bikes... that shit's for kids". I say nothing. This ride is doomed.
Example #3:
Nearing the end of the ride, many crossed fingers for no further incidents, we are coming along an access road that runs parallel with the Holland Tunnel. The traffic runs one way at us, and we have to shoot across a small intersection [that goes into a small shopping center] and up onto a sidewalk. The road is hugely busy, it's 5:30pm... knee-deep in rush hour.
As we near the little intersection and prepare to power down to get to the sidewalk this Olds Cutlass starts turning in, really slow, non-committal... and with no turning signal. As I come to a complete stop to let him turn, he stops completely and looks at me. Guy is around 60'ish, white hair, rather bizarre look to him. Way too placid. He starts doing this fucked up wave with his right hand. Not like a "Go-Ahead" kinda wave... more like a "Welcome to Zippo Luguino Brothers Circus" wave. Very flamboyant.
I'm stuck. He's taken the entire intersection, he's wedged across it, cars are honking at him, he keeps waving like Cole Porter.
I have two choices:
1. Ride out into the access road which is bumper to bumper cars, SUV's and trucks... with Chloe attached to me.
2. Have her get off, me get off, and back up our bikes about 6 feet, get back on, have her get back on, and then go around him. No dice... I'm not having Chloe get off her Piccolo in traffic like this, and in front of his car to boot.
I start motioning for him to go into the plaza. Nope, he keeps waving me on. I have no where to go. On and on this goes for like 2 minutes-which in that kind of traffic, is an excruciatingly long amount of time. Cars are starting to push around him to continue on... he has me blocked, the intersection blocked, and half the access road blocked. Windows are coming down, people are getting dark. Very dark.
Still I keep waving him through. Finally I scoot forward [the only direction I can move effectively] and motion for him to roll his window down. He does, and before I can bat an eyelid he says [and this a direct transcript of our ensuing exchange]:
Him: I've seen you, I am stopping, I have stopped.
Me: Thanks. I can't get around you though... the only way for me to go is backwards or out into heavy traffic. Please go ahead.
Him: I saw your little one, I have stopped, I have done the right thing here.
Me: Thanks. Please go ahead... you're holding up traffic, and I cannot move forward here. Please.
Him: I saw her, and you... I have stopped.
Me: Yes, you have. Thanks. Please go ahead, please.
Him: I have done nothing wrong here... a little one, I stopped. Nothing wrong.
Me: Please move into the plaza, and yes, thank you... but, ahh, you didn't signal.
Him [looking down at his dashboard and with eyes growing big]: I saw the... ah, uh, little one. I stopped, nothing more can be asked of a person.
Me: Please move. You did great, woulda been better if you'd used your turning signal but I don't care... please pull forward, people are getting strange behind you, and I would like out of here.
Him: I saw the..., the... little one. Nothing wrong. Pulled in. Stopped.
Me: You didn't signal... move. Now. Please.
He rolls up his window and pulls in.
10 feet later, safely on the sidewalk and rolling along toward home, Chloe casually asks, "Daddy what was that foul odor coming from his car after his window went down?"
Me... "Oh, that was about 4 martinis worth of vapor coming out of his mouth. He wasn't in very good shape. Lets go home to Mommy".
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