Been very busy lately with selling stuff for our Relocale Fundalini. The pot is filling up quite nicely too. The temp. however is dropping faster than Pamela Anderson's boobages at a Knife Show, and as such we are in heavy-duty acclim-a-mode i.e. figuring out what works, what doesn't and when. That said, all the wieners on their plastic & alum bikes have pretty much disappeared around here so I guess that means they are inside on their trainers or over at the gym [3 blocks from their condos, but still within easy driving distance with their BMW SUV's]. Cool, more road for my girth. ;-)
19 miles today and chilly, 29 degrees w/15mph winds. The front of my wool balaclava had snotcicles attached to it. Yesterday 12 miles, a tad warmer at 35 degrees and 17 miles the day before at a downright balmy 41 degrees. So far, haven't missed a day on my bike since mid-September [when we went to Vermont for 2 days]... I just love riding everyday & am getting a serious bug up my trunk to start getting it on twice a day.
I regularly pass by this very old Italian guy who 'Speed-Walks' around our 'hood in sweats & a parka. Nice guy, and he always has a huge smile, hearty wave, and loud, "Heeeeeey!!! Lovely Night RIGHT?!?!?" for me when I go by. I dig him. Tonight I rode by him and he screeched out, "Son of a Bitch!! You sure do like THAT bike, don't you?? Good for you... keep ridin' son, you're shrinking right before my eyes!" I greeted him, thanked him... and smiled for at least 10 miles.
In other news: finally got around to installing one-half of my early X-mas gift from Amy & Chloe, my Paul's canti brake, the Neo-Retro front... still have to get off my ass and do the rear Paul's Touring brake, but figured I'd wait until I get an additional X-mas gift from Amy & Chloe that is currently *or in the near, near future hint/wink* being built up out in St. Paul, Minnesota. To fit the Neo-Retro I had to move my Schmidt E6 headlight down further on my fork blade, and also decided it was a good time & opportunity to replace the bulb in it as it was definitely growing dim [always cool to use something until it really goes through its life, even if it's only a bulb in your headlight... I'm finding that to be a rare thing in our culture these days, of course it's also very cool to use things that are built well & thoughtfully enough to allow for the replacing of parts vs. just chucking the whole shebang into the garbage and buying a whole new something or rather]. So anyway, I did the front brakes, moved the E6 and replaced the bulb...
My Schmidt E6 is now like a pissed-off Klieg light again [scaring the shit out of peds on darkened streets and mixed-use walkways... they always assume a silent motorcycle or electric car with one blown-out headlight is coming at them] and the Paul's Neo-Retro... holy crapola, they have some serious stopping power. No, no incidents of near-endos or any such thing, but Sweet-Assed Mary, they got some power! And of course [at least to my eyes & tastes] they look stunning.
In case you were wondering [and you probably weren't]... yes, I am in the throws of trying my best to Un-Shimano-Ize my cycle [and not go Campy either]. In the next month or so, gone will be some other essential parts that are Shimano-branded. Nope, not 'cause I've had problems [actually the shit has been rock-solid as is usually the case with all-things Shimano] nor because I'm in the throws of some Charlton Heston meets Ted Nugent Pro-American gun-toting pig roast... not like that at all.
The reason is much more simple... I want to get the parts I've always wanted, and basically ran short of coin on, when I was having my cycle built by Bob Brown, and to save some coin I opted for a few Shimanoish parts that only made their way onto my steed because the Piggy Bank had a fairly large [and pronounced] echo to it. if only I can talk Bob into fabricating a One-Off, custom front & rear derailleur?!?!
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