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September 08, 2006


OK, heres what I know about Kilts from wearing one last saturday from start to finish (this should be assumed, but kilts are NOT worn with underwear, to do so is just plain stupid)...

1. For loading and unloading the truck with a half ton of stone ONE STONE AT A TIME, they rock. (pun intended.)

2. For walking about Strasburg looking for the perfect snow globe, with Jake, for his collection, they ROCK!

3. For making breakfast and dinner, with an apron over, they rock!

4. For getting into and out of the truck, they SUCK!

5. When finally in the truck, after much scooching and adjusting and generally gnashing of balls, they are the BEST, they ROCK, was that a breeze on the buddies? YES IT WAS! Can you say a-men brother? YES YOU CAN!

6. When sitting, anywhere, for any reason, ESPECIALLY practicing the guitar, they SUCK WANG, they scuky-sucky longtime, GI!

So thats why I changed into a pair of loose fitting Carhartts before going to the 7:00 of The Illusionist. Which has no downside by the way. The movie. the jeans make you sweat when you walk and work, so back into the kilt.

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