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April 22, 2005


Hey, lemme know when you are doing the trip. You will more then likely be riding on Rt 462 on your way to Gettysburg and we live in York. I'd love to meet up with you and your family and say hi!

Our club did a ride to Gettyburg last fall and the roads in the Battlefield Park are awesome. You'll dig it.

By the way........your FBQ is great:-)

Lancaster is great. We go stare at the Amish a few times per year. The Railroad Museum in worth the trip alone. If you like covered bridges I have a few cue sheets with some nice, quiet county roads with, umm, covered bridges!

I would suggest Amtrak to Lancaster vs. Amtrak to Philly and riding. I've done the ride from Philly to Lancaster and while it is not undoable it might not be all that much fun.

Hi Scott:

I'm in Lititz, which is 6 miles north of the Lancaster station. Drop me a note when you're coming, I have an extra set of ride maps from the Lancaster Bike Club that I'll lend you.

BTW, the framebuilders interviews are great! I'll be meeting Richard Sachs, Brian Baylis, Ed Litton, Doug Fattic, Bruce Gordon and Darrell McCulloch at the Cirque in Greensboro, NC later this week.

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