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April 18, 2005


Definately do it - I can't help with destinations, but I can tell you that it's worth it. Have a look at my page for the cyclecamping trip I took with my 2.5 year old last summer -- no frills, just a retrogrouch lugged steel bike, a trailer and random non-lightweight camping stuff. You'll love it. This weekend, I did training rides with both kids - one on a trailabike and the other in the trailer - 17km with no problems - doesn't sound like much, but heck, she's 3.5!

What about the Amish countryside around Lancaster, PA?
You could catch the Amtrack from NYC to Lancaster.


I only live about an hour from Lancaster (by car), so I can ride out and say hello. :-)

There's even a small amusement park for the litte one

With a campground!

Never having done such a thing, especially with a child, I'm no expert, but one thing does come to mind: Why not pick a base camp and then do day tours. For example, load the Volvo up, drive down to the Shenandoah Valley and spend the week cycling the Virginia backroads while camping in the National Park or a state park. Or, if you don't want to drive, catch the train to Burlington, VT, camp at a state park and tour around there:


Anyway, seems like a great vacation idea. Good luck!

Some great ideas above.

How about Shelter Island at the tip of Long Island? It's not far, easily accessible by train, lots of beaches etc, for the little one. Beachcombing one day, a ride to the Hamptons or Montauk the next. I've done it numerous times and it's fun. Oh yeah, and relatively flat.

Are there places to ride in the Hudson River Valley? We took the Amtrak along the river out of NYC one time, and the area looked very beautiful.

When I lived in NYC in the 70's, a frind and I would ride up to Bear Mountain and back. We'd go up on the NY side and back on the NJ side, crossing the GWB on the way in. I remember it as a pretty ride. My friend rode a top of the line Lejeune with a 25" frame. He was tall and a strong rider and liked to push a high gear. I'd trail him all the way up, and he'd trail me all the way back.

Good times.

Hey, if you decide to come to Lancaster-lemme know, I'd love to meet up with you and your family.

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